Women and the climate crisis

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Friday, 10 June
Fabbrica delle “E”

09.30-13.00 – lunch 13.00-15.00
Binaria Centro Commensale


Women throughout the world are raising their voice for climate justice. How can they tackle the current climate and relational crisis? What tools can we take up with men and “the feminine” in each of us?

The relationship between the sexes is in a state of crisis, as seen by the increase in violence against women. Hence the need to evaluate male and female stereotypes and to stop all forms of violence.

There is also the need to rediscover the meaning of social courtesy, attention to life, to nature and its cycle. In politics there is a gradual transformation of women taking center stage, and in companies some things are changing as well. In agriculture, for example, women’s role on the farm is changing in Italy and elsewhere, with the idea of a different type of agriculture and the adoption of good farm practices in the long term ahead.

Another issue is that like the poor, women are more exposed to the effects of climate change. Throughout most of the world, it is women who provide their families with food and water. As food sources grow scarce due to the effects of the climate on farming, the women must leave their communities for longer journeys in search of food.

According to the FAO, 43% of the farm workforce in the developing countries is made up of women and up to 90% in sub-Saharan Africa where women own only 1% of arable land. Farming is the main food source and livelihood for 79% of these women, and women account for about two-thirds of the 600 million animal herders. This is why we think it is important to discuss these topics from different perspectives and to set the role of women at the center of processes and politics of ecological conversion.

The association Casacomune within Gruppo Abele and Libera promotes scientific and cultural initiatives. It draws on the content of pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’, with special attention to the spiritual and ethical dimension of ecological choices in dialogue with persons of different faiths, cultures, and religions. Its mission is to provide a school for scientific training, cultural dialogue, and field activities to promote the values and actions of integral ecology and social justice.  

Greetings from Michela Favaro, vice mayor of Turin, and Gaetano Capizzi, director of CinemAmbiente.

From transition to conversion. The language of women, with Mirta Da Pra Pocchiesa, journalist Casacomune

Freed seeds: beyond the chain of economy and finance for freedom in the world, with Vandana Shiva, quantum physicist and environmentalist

The battle for legal recognition of environmental migrants, with Anna Brambilla, ASGI

The world that attacks us, the world that we want. Migration safety, with Suzanne Mbiye Diku, gynecologist, president of the Redani association

Women and community politics. The role of women in politics and policy making, with Eleonora Evi, European Green party member

Biodiversity and agroecology for growing health, with Isabella Pratesi, WWF Italia

No transition without women, with Don Luigi Ciotti, president of Gruppo Abele, Libera and Casacomune

Vegetarian lunch, Good with the right company, introduced by Maria Chiara Giorda
Prepared with food remainders collected at food markets, the lunch provides an occasion for sharing the social meaning of food, appreciating different cultures, and for emphasizing the need to redefine our consumer habits with greater attention to the food products we purchase. The lunch is one of a series of initiatives promoted by Food Wave, a European project, and managed by the women receiving Gruppo Abele services.

Presentation of Il profitto e la cura. La sostenibilità e le voci che non abbiamo ascoltato by Cinzia Scaffidi, journalist and teacher,
in conversation with Mirta Da
Pra Pocchiesa and Elena Ciccarello.

Meeting with businesswomen and APID, Turin, a network that promotes sustainable women’s entrepreneurship based on skills and the desire to enter the market.

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