Presentation of the NextJournalist 2023 Project

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235 high schools in Piedmont, both public and private, have requested to participate in the NextJournalist 2023, a project created by LifeGate in collaboration with the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo. LifeGate is a Benefit corporation that has been a point of reference in the field of sustainability in Italy for over twenty years; its aim is to raise awareness and train journalists and content creators on how to report on major environmental and social issues. The evolution of technology in recent years has, in fact, radically changed the way people access information and media content, challenging journalists to use different means and styles of communication in order to reach an increasingly vast and varied audience.

The theme chosen for this first festival isProtettori della Terra” (Protectors of the Earth): its aim is to use multimedia projects (audio, video, text) in promoting various initiatives, created by activists, associations, communities and institutions, all fighting to save the Planet.

The winning team, from the Liceo Germana Erba from Turin, created the best project of the festival, We want happy days. For these students, the award will be the starting point of a media training course on sustainability and environmental communication, held by the leaders of the various LifeGate creative and publishing teams.

The project aims to encourage young people to re-evaluate the importance of information and become more aware of how they choose and use media content.

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