27° Festival CinemAmbiente

The 27th edition of the CinemAmbiente Festival, Italy’s most important event dedicated to environment-themed films, organised by the Museo Nazionale del Cinema and directed by Lia Furxhi, will take place from 4 to 9 June 2024 in Turin and online on the OpenDDB platform, where a selection of the titles on the programme will be visible in replication, via the website www.festivalcinemambiente.it, until 18 June. The Festival is this year dedicated to the memory of Gaetano Capizzi, its founder and historic director, who died prematurely last year.

The 2024 edition presents 76 films, arriving from 27 countries, representing 4 continents. Proposed in the now traditional subdivisions – the Documentary Competition, the Short Film Competition and the two non-competitive sections Made in Italy and Panorama, plus a number of special screenings – the films on show reflect the many facets assumed today by the environmental crisis, in which the boundary between global and local is becoming increasingly thin, bringing to the surface unresolved and increasingly pressing problems.

The Festival Cinemambiente

The CinemAmbiente Festival was born in Turin in 1998 with the aim of presenting the best environmental films and documentaries at an international level and contributing, with activities that are developed throughout the year, to the promotion of cinema and environmental culture.

Founded by Gaetano Capizzi, the Festival is the most important Italian event dedicated to environmental films.
The Festival is a founding member of the Green Film Network, an association that brings together the most important international environmental film reviews.

In 2024, the CinemAmbiente Festival is directed by Lia Furxhi.

The Festival Cinemambiente

The CinemAmbiente Festival was born in Turin in 1998 with the aim of presenting the best environmental films and documentaries at an international level and contributing, with activities that are developed throughout the year, to the promotion of cinema and environmental culture.

Founded by Gaetano Capizzi, the Festival is the most important Italian event dedicated to environmental films.
The Festival is a founding member of the Green Film Network, an association that brings together the most important international environmental film reviews.

In 2024, the CinemAmbiente Festival is directed by Lia Furxhi.

Museo Nazionale del Cinema

Housed inside the Mole Antonelliana, a symbolic monument of Turin, the National Cinema Museum is considered one of the most important museums in the world for the richness of its heritage and the multiplicity of its scientific and educational activities.
It owes its uniqueness to the peculiar exhibition layout that spirals upwards, on several exhibition levels, giving life to a spectacular presentation of its extraordinary collections and retracing the history of cinema from its origins to the present day, in a suggestive interactive itinerary .
